Hey Everyone-
I'm finishing the layout for our book and there are a few files I'm looking for...please post them here! And if you aren't seeing your name listed below, that means I have all of your stuff...but please email/facebook/text the others and tell them to check the blog. Thanks!!!
Chris: "Gun" and "Canon" pics from the Final Project
Mallory: The Portrait of your cousin in the Tree
Angee: As many additional "A Closer Look" files as you can get me...I have 16 now but would like an additional 10-20.
I like your random capitalization. I'll facebook the others tonight and let them know.
On another note, I really miss class.
ThaNks AbI.
I miss the class too! I even considered covering myself in paint and setting myself on fire...just for old times sake.
well this is embarrassing I just read this..... Sorry jon.
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